Healthcare surveys: Questionnaires about health

With our healthcare survey questions and templates, you can gain valuable insights into the experiences and opinions of patients and healthcare professionals. Our health survey templates and examples will help you understand the needs of your healthcare service users and stakeholders and improve the healthcare experience for all involved.

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What is the purpose of a health survey?

Questionnaires about healthcare services are now one of the most popular research methods utilized in the industry. Data, valuable insights, and how to improve relationships with patients are all easily attainable using them.

The main importance of questionnaires about healthcare lies in adequately measuring patient satisfaction. But the potential of health surveys goes far beyond that. They can be used to gather data from both patients and employees to determine areas that require additional attention.

Types of healthcare surveys

People are far more likely to provide constructive feedback via surveys than in person. The data is less biased and easier to gather and analyze. Depending on what kind of feedback is being sought, there are several different types of questionnaires to consider.

Healthcare patient satisfaction surveys

This is one of the most frequently used healthcare satisfaction surveys. They give patients the opportunity to express their opinion on the quality of services they've received and whether they were satisfied with your staff.

In a direct conversation, most people are likely to give you half-hearted answers. There also won't be any hard data to analyze. It's much better to gather opinions and experiences through patient satisfaction surveys.

Pro tip: Combine these with other types of surveys to get more comprehensive data.

Learn more about patient surveys

Mental health surveys

Before implementing changes meant to make everyone feel better and more valued, it’s important to know which issues really need to be tackled. Mental health surveys help gather data to better understand which types of mental healthcare are most needed.

Multiple factors influence people’s mental health, including their relationships with others, stress, childhood trauma, financial stability, and individual personality differences.

Learn more about mental health surveys

Hospital surveys

What better way to better understand the quality of a hospital's services than to ask patients directly? It's easy to overlook some problems, but hospital-visit surveys allow for a better understanding of patient’s perspectives.

Ask discharged patients about their experience, whether they felt comfortable, and their overall satisfaction with their hospital visit.

Doctor visit surveys

Gather data about specific doctors within a healthcare institution with doctor-visit surveys. Precisely measure the patient satisfaction regarding each doctor in the system and have data to back up recommendations for improvements.

Health insurance survey

Health insurance surveys help provide insights about which type of health insurance patients have, how satisfied they are with their options, and what they'd like to change. They are a way to assess the needs of every individual patient more precisely.

Healthy habits survey

Daily habits greatly influence our health. With healthy habits surveys, patient information can be collected and recommendations for healthier habits made before it's too late. This serves as personalized prevention which most patients will be grateful for.

For example, if a patient responds that he smokes regularly, refer him to a pulmonologist and forward information about programs to help him quit smoking.

Hospital employee surveys

Hospital employee surveys are used to gather feedback, opinions, and insights from individuals working in a hospital setting. These types of health surveys are typically designed to assess various aspects of the work environment, employee satisfaction, communication, management practices, and other factors relevant to the functioning of the hospital.

Medical research surveys

These types of medical surveys are used in the field of medical and healthcare research to collect data, opinions, and information from individuals who are either patients or participants in medical studies. They allow researchers to collect data from diverse populations and contribute to evidence-based healthcare practices.

Healthcare surveys best practices

Even though surveys in healthcare help you better understand the needs of your patients, they can lead to subjective or even incorrect information if not conducted properly.

To avoid mistakes, here are some health survey examples of best practices:

  • Carefully choose your terminology:Don't use too many medical terms that risk confusing respondents.
  • Ask direct questions: Instead of vaguely asking how respondents feel about their last appointment, follow up on a specific problem they mentioned during it.
  • One question at a time: Avoid asking double questions like “Does the medication work for you and do you take it every day? Yes or no?” This is a type of double question that should be avoided. Patients might have different answers for each part and won't be able to clearly express their thoughts, resulting in fewer valuable insights.

The advantages of healthcare surveys

There are several reasons why institutions eagerly use surveys about health and healthcare issues. When well-designed, carefully worded, and thoughtfully organized they have many advantages:

  • Cost-effective.
  • Less time-consuming.
  • Patients feel you genuinely care about their experience.
  • Patients are willing to share their honest opinions about the service they received and biased responses are less likely.
  • Reach many patients quickly and efficiently. Most people are more than happy to participate in healthcare surveys.
  • Get accurate data.
  • Use the collected data to provide even better care.

Healthcare survey templates and questions

Asking yourself "What questions should I ask in a health survey?" Having a hard time figuring it all out? Don't worry, we've great healthcare survey questions to help you kick-start the process.

General health survey questions:

  1. How often do you take nutritional supplements?
  2. How often do you exercise?
  3. How could we improve the overall quality of service at our hospital?
  4. Please briefly describe any chronic illnesses or ailments that you have.
  5. Approximately how long did you have to wait to see your doctor?
  6. How long have you had your current health insurance plan?
  7. Would you recommend your health insurance provider to a friend or co-worker?

Hospital survey questions:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with your recent hospital visit?
  2. Did the hospital staff treat you with courtesy and respect during your stay?
  3. Were the hospital facilities clean and well-maintained during your stay?
  4. How would you rate the communication with hospital staff?
  5. Were you provided with clear explanations about diagnosis and treatment?
  6. Were you comfortable in the hospital room during your stay?
  7. How would you rate the quality of meals provided during your hospital stay?
  8. Health insurance survey questions:

How long have you had your current health insurance plan?

  1. How satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?
  2. Have you encountered any difficulties in reaching your health insurance provider's customer service or support team when you needed assistance?
  3. Did your health insurance plan cover the medical services and treatments you needed during the past year?
  4. How responsive has your health insurance provider been in resolving any issues or concerns you raised?
  5. Would you recommend your health insurance provider to a friend or coworker?

SurveyPlanet has many more healthcare survey questions that can be accessed by simply signing up for a free account. Make patient satisfaction your priority and take it to the next level with feedback from healthcare surveys.

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