Human resource surveys: HR survey questions and templates

How to build the perfect human resource survey and questionnaire.

Although surveys are generally associated with gaining customer feedback or curating market research, they're also quite handy for human resource departments. By garnering the opinions of employees, HR surveys give companies insight into how they are functioning, which can help managers learn more about loyalty and productivity issues while also making employees feel heard. Human resource surveys are also a great tool to improve employee efficiency.

Keep reading to discover how you can use HR surveys for your business and how to build the perfect human resource survey and questionnaire, including using SurveyPlanet’s handy HR survey template and questions.

Which human resource survey software is best?

You don't need fancy HR survey software to design human resource surveys. Whether carrying out an employee onboarding survey or a human resource management questionnaire, SurveyPlanet is the perfect option for any survey. We provide an unrestricted number of surveys, the collating of as many responses as needed, and an unlimited number of questions. All this with our free account.

Which HR questionnaire tools do I need?

It's important to find HR questionnaire software that includes all the features needed to create and analyze surveys. SurveyPlanet has a variety of aesthetic themes, pre-made survey questions, and SSL-protected survey responses (which guarantees that only you can view the results). Responses can be gathered anonymously and easily embedded into a website if that is the best course.

By upgrading to a Pro account, you gain access to amazing features, including white-labeling the survey with your brand and giving employees a survey-length estimate. The Pro account also features question branching, which enables further examination of an issue based on how an employee answered a previous question. This furnishes the ability to create a unique survey experience for each employee based on the course of their answers. The Pro account also supplies different export options, the ability to add images to questions or answers, and many other exclusive features.

Best practices for creating HR surveys

When it comes to a company's success, the motivation of employees is incredibly important. Gain needed insight about how to better motivate employees—and thus bring greater success to the business—with a well-executed human resource questionnaire.

Begin by finding ways to encourage employees to participate. Without a high participation rate, the information needed will not be forthcoming. Increase participation rates with incentives like raffles or a small prize for submitting answers.

How to write good human resource survey questions

Writing effective human resource (HR) survey questions is crucial for gathering valuable insights from employees and improving various aspects of an organization's HR practices. Read our blog to find some guidelines that will aid in writing effective HR survey questions (and other types of survey questions as well).

In the meantime, here are 17 steps to follow to keep human resource survey questions on track:

  1. Define objectives
  2. Keep questions clear and concise
  3. Ask only one question at a time
  4. Use neutral and unbiased language
  5. Avoid double negatives
  6. Provide a balanced response scale
  7. Use Likert scale questions
  8. Ask open-ended questions sparingly
  9. Start with general questions
  10. Progress to specific questions
  11. Include demographic questions
  12. Use benchmarking questions
  13. Pilot test questions
  14. Consider the frequency of the survey
  15. Address sensitive topics thoughtfully
  16. Use survey introductions and instructions
  17. Review and revise

Good human resource survey questions to ask

Effective human resource (HR) survey questions help gather valuable feedback from employees and identify areas for improvement within an organization. Here are some good HR survey questions to consider:

General employee satisfaction

  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how satisfied are you with your overall experience working at [Company Name]?
  • What aspects of your job do you find most satisfying?
  • What aspects of your job do you find least satisfying?
  • Do you feel that your skills and abilities are utilized effectively in your current role?
  • How would you rate the communication between employees and management at [Company Name]?

Employee engagement

  • How likely are you to recommend [Company Name] as a great place to work to others?
  • Do you feel valued and recognized for your contributions at [Company Name]?
  • Are you provided with opportunities for professional development and growth within the organization?
  • Do you feel that your opinions and ideas are heard and considered by management?
  • How satisfied are you with the work-life balance at [Company Name]?

Team and leadership

  • How would you rate your relationship with your immediate supervisor/manager?
  • Do you feel that you receive constructive feedback and support from your supervisor/manager?
  • How well do your team members collaborate and communicate with each other?
  • Are there any specific leadership or management skills you believe could be improved within the organization?
  • How would you rate the level of trust between employees and management?

Company culture

  • How well do the company's values align with your personal values and beliefs?
  • Are there any changes or improvements you'd like to see in the workplace culture?
  • Do you feel that diversity and inclusion are actively promoted and practiced within the organization?

Job satisfaction and development

  • Do you feel that you have opportunities for skill development and career growth within [Company Name]?
  • Are you satisfied with your current compensation and benefits package?
  • Are there any specific training or resources you believe would help you perform your job more effectively?

Communication and feedback

  • How do you prefer to receive feedback on your performance (e.g., regular one-on-one meetings, formal evaluations, informal feedback)?
  • Do you have access to the information and resources you need to excel in your role?
  • Are there any additional communication channels or tools you believe would improve internal communication?

Employee well-being

  • How would you rate the support and resources available for your physical and mental well-being within the organization?
  • Are you aware of the company's policies and programs related to health and wellness?
  • Do you feel that your workload is manageable, or do you often experience excessive stress or burnout?

Exit interview questions (for departing employees):

  • What factors influenced your decision to leave the company?
  • Were there any specific concerns or issues that were not addressed during your time at [Company Name]?
  • Do you have any suggestions for how [Company Name] could improve its employee experience in the future?

Remember to analyze the survey results carefully and take action based on the feedback received to enhance the work environment, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

Best practices for creating HR survey for employees

When creating an employee HR survey, it is beneficial to reassure respondents that the survey is completely confidential. If employees feel like they will get into trouble due to their responses, it is vital to stress to them that their answers are incognito and that the survey is strictly for organization-wide feedback. To establish trust and lay the groundwork for future surveys, once the survey is completed report the results throughout the company.

When creating a questionnaire for employees, be mindful of the phrasing of questions. Make sure each is relevant to specific participants. To create different survey questions for different departments, split the survey into different paths using question branching. Every employee should be able to actually answer any question asked of them.

Don't worry if you are not a seasoned survey writer—we've got you covered. Dig into our treasure trove of survey knowledge, where you will find detailed guides for everything from writing a great survey introduction to well-written examples of good survey questions!

Don't forget about the feedback

As a final best practice suggestion, make sure to use the feedback received from a survey. Employees won't want to fill out surveys if they don't feel like doing so helps promote change.

By following these best practices, expect a higher response rate and better-quality answers from human resource surveys moving forward, which will prove to be very helpful tools to add to the corporate toolbox.

Topics and templates for HR surveys

It might seem challenging to develop the correct questions to ask employees. For example, there's a difference between HR effectiveness survey questions, exit survey questions, and work-life balance questions. Luckily, SurveyPlanet has the HR survey templates you need to get started.

Employee benefit surveys

The correct employee benefits can greatly improve staff performance—which will only benefit a business. To find out which benefits are most important to employees, give them an annual employee benefits survey. The responses will make clear which benefits they care about most, even the possibility that most employees would prefer expanded benefits over a pay raise.

The information gained from this kind of survey is crucial for employee retention and overall performance. Questions can relate to paid time off (PTO), health insurance, the benefits compared to other companies, parental leave, free meals, flexible hours, remote work, etc.

HR survey questions can come in the form of multiple-choice answers, ratings, scales, ranges, scores, short answers, or even essay responses. Use our wide variety of HR survey question options to find the answers you need.

Learn more about employee benefits surveys

Exit surveys

Another common type of HR survey is an employee exit survey. Whether they retire, quit, are fired, or finish their contract, such surveys supply insight into an employee's experiences while working at a company. This provides valuable data into exactly why they're leaving or didn’t work out as employees. Such feedback can highlight aspects of your business culture that need improvement, which will help improve the employee experience and overall work environment. Such actions will increase employee retention rates moving forward.

Learn more about exit survey surveys

HR assessment questionnaire

Want to find out if the human resources department is doing a good job? Send employees an HR feedback survey and ask questions about how the HR department could improve the lives of employees. Such surveys can provide feedback about the department's hiring practices, communication quality, ability to solve problems, and much more.

Learn more about HR feedback surveys

Work-life balance surveys

Do your employees have a healthy work-life balance? Is their workload sustainable?

A work-life balance survey provides information about whether employees are working overtime off the clock, feeling overloaded, or don't have enough work during certain parts of their schedule. Questions can also be asked about the projects employees are working on to better understand what they enjoy and what's giving them trouble.

A healthy work-life balance improves employee performance by improving the work experience. Send a survey out several times a year to better understand the peak periods that employees experience and when hiring more permanent or temporary staff might be required. Additionally, ask about projects or employee roles that might also be of interest.

Learn more about work-life balance surveys

Employee engagement survey

An employee engagement survey measures the motivation and engagement that employees are experiencing. It is a form of a satisfaction survey. An employee engagement survey will provide feedback about satisfaction levels regarding the management team, the daily tasks of employees, and how they feel in general about working at your company.

Such feedback helps improve employees' experiences, which results in better workforce performance and greater overall satisfaction with management and team functions.

Learn more about employee engagement surveys

Job and employee satisfaction survey

Human resources can use feedback surveys to gain more insight into job and employee satisfaction in the workplace. Comprehensive surveys that seek employee input about what they most and least enjoy about their jobs enable HR to make adjustments that increase employee morale and job satisfaction. Surveys can also help the human resources department direct employees on the correct career path.

Learn more about job and employee satisfaction surveys

Company culture surveys

Does your business have a good company culture? Human resource surveys help to improve company culture simply by supplying information about what could be better. Use a company culture survey to find out what the company vibe is like and what can be done to make it better, which will enhance the work environment and have a positive effect on employee performance.

Learn more about company culture surveys

Manager survey

A company's leadership and management teams set the tone for the rest of the operation. A leadership and management effectiveness survey is a great way to discover whether or not employees are getting the supervision they deserve. Use insights from such surveys to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership team.

Learn more about manager surveys

Ready to start gaining valuable insights from your employees? Sign up for an account with SurveyPlanet to create your first HR survey questionnaire. Or browse through our templates to find the right survey for you.

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